Avoid These Pitfalls at Tokyo Disney Resorts for an Enjoyable Visit

Tokyo Disney Resort, encompassing Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea, offers a magical experience for visitors of all ages. To ensure you make the most of your visit, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls that can detract from the magic. Here’s what to skip for a smoother and more enjoyable time at Tokyo Disney Resorts.

Skip Not Planning Ahead

Lack of planning can lead to missed opportunities and long waits:

  • No Itinerary: Without a plan, you might miss out on popular attractions and shows. Create a rough itinerary to maximize your time.
  • FastPass: Take advantage of Disney’s FastPass system to skip the lines at major attractions. Plan which FastPasses to get early in the day.

Avoid Visiting During Peak Times

Crowds can significantly impact your experience:

  • Peak Seasons: Avoid visiting during peak times like Japanese public holidays, Golden Week (late April to early May), and school vacation periods (late July to August).
  • Weekends: Weekends tend to be more crowded. If possible, plan your visit for weekdays for a more relaxed experience.

Skip Overlooking the Weather

Tokyo’s weather can be unpredictable, and not being prepared can dampen your visit:

  • Rainy Days: Bring rain gear if rain is forecasted, as many attractions continue to operate in wet weather. A poncho can be more practical than an umbrella.
  • Hot Weather: In summer, temperatures can be high. Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and take breaks in air-conditioned areas.

Don’t Ignore Dining Reservations

Dining at popular restaurants can be difficult without reservations:

  • No Reservations: Make dining reservations in advance, especially for character meals and popular restaurants.
  • Off-Peak Dining: Plan to eat during off-peak hours to avoid long lines and enjoy a more relaxed meal.

Avoid Neglecting Transportation Options

Efficient transportation can save time and reduce stress:

  • Late Arrival: Arrive early to make the most of your day. The parks open early, and arriving at opening time allows you to experience popular rides with shorter waits.
  • Shuttle Services: Use the resort’s monorail and shuttle services to move quickly between parks and hotels.

Skip Ignoring Park Maps and Apps

Navigating the parks efficiently can enhance your experience:

  • No Map: Familiarize yourself with the park maps and layout before your visit.
  • Use the App: Download the Tokyo Disney Resort app to check wait times, show schedules, and find dining options easily.

Don’t Miss Out on Special Events

Special events can add extra magic to your visit, but only if you plan for them:

  • Event Timings: Check the schedule for parades, fireworks, and special shows. Arrive early to secure a good viewing spot.
  • Seasonal Events: Look out for seasonal events and limited-time attractions that can offer unique experiences.

Skip Focusing Only on Major Attractions

There’s more to enjoy than just the big rides:

  • Overlook Small Attractions: Take time to enjoy smaller attractions, shows, and character meet-and-greets.
  • Explore DisneySea: Don’t miss Tokyo DisneySea, a park unique to Tokyo with different themes and attractions from Disneyland.

Avoid Overpacking Your Schedule

Trying to do everything in one day can be exhausting:

  • Rushed Itinerary: Prioritize your must-see attractions and allow time for relaxation and spontaneous fun.
  • Rest Breaks: Take breaks to rest and enjoy the atmosphere. Use downtime to try snacks, shop for souvenirs, or enjoy a leisurely meal.

Don’t Ignore Budget Considerations

Tokyo Disney Resort can be expensive, so budgeting is important:

  • Unexpected Costs: Plan for additional costs such as souvenirs, snacks, and premium experiences.
  • Meal Plans: Consider meal plans or bring snacks to manage food expenses.


Tokyo Disney Resort offers a magical experience, but avoiding these common pitfalls can enhance your visit. Plan ahead, choose the right times, be weather-ready, make dining reservations, and use the resort’s transportation and app tools. Don’t overlook smaller attractions, allow time for rest, and budget wisely. By avoiding these pitfalls, you can ensure a smooth, enjoyable, and unforgettable visit to Tokyo Disney Resort.

Author: Hienadz Vardanyan

P. Sze My name is Hienadz Vardanyan, and when I first started Mad About Japan, I was just like you - marveling at the country from a great distance. Now that I have been lucky enough to visit Japan, I want to continue exciting people and encouraging them to get over there. Our main aim is to teach and inform people about all aspects of Japan - not just the technology and cherry blossoms. Japan has a uniqueness like no other, and it’s important that we cherish this and respect it when we visit.

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