The Biggest Mistakes People Make at the Tokyo Disneyland Entrance

Entering Tokyo Disneyland is the beginning of a magical day filled with fun and adventure. However, the entrance experience can set the tone for your entire visit, and it’s easy to make mistakes that can detract from the start of your day. Here are the biggest mistakes people make at the Tokyo Disneyland entrance and how to avoid them for a smoother experience.

Mistake 1: Arriving Late

Timing is crucial when visiting Tokyo Disneyland:

  • Long Lines: Arriving late can mean long lines at the entrance, leading to a delayed start to your day.
  • Missing Popular Attractions: Many popular attractions have shorter wait times early in the morning. Arriving late might mean missing out on these opportunities.

Tip: Aim to arrive at least 30-60 minutes before the park opens. This allows you to get through security and be among the first to enter, maximizing your time in the park.

Mistake 2: Not Preparing Tickets in Advance

Having your tickets ready can save you time and hassle at the entrance:

  • Ticket Booth Lines: Buying tickets at the gate can be time-consuming, with long lines that delay your entry.
  • Online Convenience: Failing to purchase tickets online in advance can lead to unnecessary delays.

Tip: Purchase your tickets online before your visit. This way, you can go straight to the entrance and avoid the ticket booth lines.

Mistake 3: Overpacking

Carrying too much can slow you down and make the security check process longer:

  • Bulky Bags: Large bags or too many items can complicate the bag check process at the entrance.
  • Unnecessary Items: Bringing items that are not allowed in the park can cause delays and frustration.

Tip: Pack light and only bring essentials. Check the park’s guidelines on prohibited items to ensure you’re not carrying anything that could cause delays.

Mistake 4: Ignoring the Weather

Tokyo’s weather can be unpredictable, and not being prepared can make your entrance experience uncomfortable:

  • Rain or Shine: Arriving unprepared for rain can mean starting your day soaked and uncomfortable. Likewise, arriving unprepared for sunny weather can lead to sunburn or heat exhaustion.

Tip: Check the weather forecast before you leave and dress appropriately. Bring an umbrella or poncho for rain and sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses for sunny days.

Mistake 5: Missing Photo Opportunities

The entrance area offers some great photo opportunities that many guests overlook in their rush to get inside:

  • Skipping Photos: Not taking the time to capture the excitement of entering the park can mean missing out on some great memories.
  • Iconic Spots: Overlooking iconic photo spots near the entrance, such as the floral Mickey Mouse and the main gate.

Tip: Take a few moments to snap some photos at the entrance. These can be wonderful mementos of your visit and set a fun tone for the day.

Mistake 6: Not Having a Plan

Entering the park without a plan can lead to a less efficient and more stressful start to your day:

  • Wandering Aimlessly: Without a plan, you might spend valuable time figuring out what to do first instead of enjoying attractions.
  • Missing FastPass Opportunities: Not heading straight to popular attractions or securing FastPasses can result in longer waits later.

Tip: Have a rough plan for your day, including which attractions to visit first and where to head for FastPasses. This will help you make the most of your time in the park.

Mistake 7: Forgetting Essentials

Not having essential items ready can cause delays and frustration:

  • No Identification: Forgetting to bring ID if required for ticket verification can slow down your entry.
  • Unprepared for Security: Not having your bags and items ready for the security check can hold you up.

Tip: Ensure you have all necessary items, such as tickets, ID, and essentials, easily accessible when you arrive at the entrance.


Avoiding these common mistakes at the Tokyo Disneyland entrance can help you start your day smoothly and enjoyably. Arrive early, prepare your tickets in advance, pack light, check the weather, capture photos, have a plan, and be ready with essentials. By following these tips, you’ll ensure a magical beginning to your Tokyo Disneyland adventure.

Author: Hienadz Vardanyan

P. Sze My name is Hienadz Vardanyan, and when I first started Mad About Japan, I was just like you - marveling at the country from a great distance. Now that I have been lucky enough to visit Japan, I want to continue exciting people and encouraging them to get over there. Our main aim is to teach and inform people about all aspects of Japan - not just the technology and cherry blossoms. Japan has a uniqueness like no other, and it’s important that we cherish this and respect it when we visit.

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