The Worst Mistakes to Avoid When Visiting Tokyo Disneyland with Family

Visiting Tokyo Disneyland with your family can be a magical experience, filled with fun and unforgettable memories. However, to ensure everyone has the best time possible, it’s important to avoid some common mistakes. Here are the worst mistakes to avoid when visiting Tokyo Disneyland with your family.

1. Not Planning Ahead

Proper planning is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable visit:

  • No Itinerary: Without a plan, you might miss out on key attractions and shows. Create a rough itinerary to prioritize must-see attractions and activities.
  • Ignoring FastPass: Utilize the FastPass system to skip the lines at popular rides. Plan which FastPasses to get early in the day for a more efficient visit.

2. Arriving Late

Timing is everything when it comes to making the most of your day at Tokyo Disneyland:

  • Long Wait Times: Arriving late means longer wait times for popular attractions, reducing the number of rides and activities you can enjoy.
  • Missing Early Attractions: Many popular rides have shorter wait times early in the morning. Arriving late might mean missing out on these opportunities.

Tip: Aim to arrive at least 30-60 minutes before the park opens to get through security and be among the first to enter.

3. Overpacking

Carrying too much can slow you down and make the day less enjoyable:

  • Bulky Bags: Large bags or too many items can be cumbersome and slow you down.
  • Unnecessary Items: Bringing items that are not allowed in the park can cause delays at the entrance.

Tip: Pack light and only bring essentials. Use lockers available in the park to store extra items if needed.

4. Ignoring Height and Age Restrictions

Not all attractions are suitable for all ages and heights:

  • Disappointed Kids: Ignoring height restrictions can lead to disappointment for children who aren’t tall enough to ride certain attractions.
  • Safety Concerns: Some rides may not be suitable for very young children or older adults with health concerns.

Tip: Check the height and age restrictions for each ride beforehand and plan accordingly to avoid any disappointment or safety issues.

5. Not Taking Breaks

A full day at the park can be exhausting, especially for young children and older adults:

  • Overexertion: Not taking breaks can lead to exhaustion, crankiness, and a less enjoyable experience for everyone.
  • Missed Downtime: Skipping breaks means missing out on opportunities to relax and enjoy the park’s atmosphere.

Tip: Schedule regular breaks to rest, hydrate, and have snacks. Use this time to enjoy slower-paced attractions or entertainment.

6. Overlooking Dining Reservations

Dining is an integral part of the Disney experience, but it requires planning:

  • Long Waits: Without reservations, you may face long waits at popular restaurants.
  • Limited Options: Dining options can be limited if you don’t plan ahead, especially during peak meal times.

Tip: Make dining reservations well in advance for table-service restaurants. Plan to eat during off-peak hours to avoid the busiest times.

7. Skipping Shows and Parades

Shows and parades are a highlight of the Tokyo Disneyland experience:

  • Missed Entertainment: Skipping shows and parades means missing out on some of the most magical experiences the park has to offer.
  • Poor Viewing Spots: Arriving late for shows and parades can result in poor viewing spots.

Tip: Check the schedule for shows and parades and arrive early to secure a good viewing spot. Plan your day around these entertainment offerings.

8. Not Preparing for the Weather

Tokyo’s weather can be unpredictable, and being unprepared can impact your day:

  • Rain or Shine: Failing to prepare for rain or sunny weather can lead to discomfort.
  • Inappropriate Clothing: Wearing the wrong clothes for the weather can make your day less enjoyable.

Tip: Check the weather forecast before your visit and dress appropriately. Bring rain gear or sun protection as needed.


Visiting Tokyo Disneyland with your family can be an unforgettable experience, but avoiding these common mistakes will ensure a smoother and more enjoyable day. Plan ahead, arrive early, pack wisely, check height and age restrictions, take breaks, make dining reservations, enjoy shows and parades, and prepare for the weather. By following these tips, you’ll create magical memories with your family at Tokyo Disneyland.

Author: Hienadz Vardanyan

P. Sze My name is Hienadz Vardanyan, and when I first started Mad About Japan, I was just like you - marveling at the country from a great distance. Now that I have been lucky enough to visit Japan, I want to continue exciting people and encouraging them to get over there. Our main aim is to teach and inform people about all aspects of Japan - not just the technology and cherry blossoms. Japan has a uniqueness like no other, and it’s important that we cherish this and respect it when we visit.

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