Tokyo Disneyland Easter: What to Skip for a Better Experience

Easter at Tokyo Disneyland is a delightful celebration filled with colorful decorations, special events, and unique merchandise. To ensure you have the best experience possible, here are some common pitfalls to avoid during your Easter visit to Tokyo Disneyland.

Skip Visiting During Peak Days

Easter is a popular time at Tokyo Disneyland, which can lead to large crowds:

  • Avoid Peak Days: Try to avoid visiting during the weekends and Japanese public holidays when the park is most crowded.
  • Opt for Weekdays: Plan your visit for a weekday to enjoy the Easter festivities with fewer crowds and shorter wait times.

Don’t Ignore the Easter Entertainment Schedule

Special Easter-themed entertainment is a highlight of the season:

  • Missing Showtimes: Not checking the schedule for Easter parades and shows can result in missing these special events.
  • Late Arrivals: Arriving late for parades and shows can mean poor viewing spots.

Tip: Check the entertainment schedule in advance and arrive early to secure a good spot for parades like “Usatama on the Run!” and other special shows.

Avoid Overlooking Easter Decorations and Photo Spots

Easter decorations are a big part of the festive atmosphere:

  • Rushing Through: Don’t rush past the beautifully themed decorations and photo spots.
  • Skipping Photo Ops: Missing out on unique photo opportunities with Easter decorations and character meet-and-greets.

Tip: Take your time to explore and appreciate the Easter decorations throughout the park. Look for special photo spots and capture the festive moments.

Don’t Miss the Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Egg Hunt is a fun and interactive activity that shouldn’t be overlooked:

  • Skipping the Hunt: Not participating in the Easter Egg Hunt means missing out on a fun experience and the chance to collect unique souvenirs.
  • Not Following the Map: Failing to follow the Easter Egg Hunt map can make the activity confusing and less enjoyable.

Tip: Grab an Easter Egg Hunt map and follow it to find hidden eggs throughout the park. This activity is great for both kids and adults.

Skip Generic Food Options

Easter-themed treats and meals are a must-try during the season:

  • Ignoring Seasonal Treats: Sticking to regular food options means missing out on special Easter-themed treats and meals.
  • No Reservations: Not making dining reservations can lead to long waits and missing out on themed dining experiences.

Tip: Try the seasonal Easter-themed treats available at various food stands and restaurants. Make dining reservations in advance to ensure you can enjoy these festive meals.

Avoid Long Shopping Lines

Easter merchandise is popular, and shopping can be crowded:

  • Shopping Midday: Avoid shopping for Easter merchandise during peak times when shops are most crowded.
  • Overlooking Exclusive Items: Missing out on limited-edition Easter merchandise by not shopping early.

Tip: Shop for Easter merchandise early in the day or later in the evening to avoid the busiest times. Look for exclusive items that make perfect souvenirs.

Don’t Neglect the Weather

Spring weather in Tokyo can be unpredictable, so be prepared:

  • Ignoring Weather Reports: Not checking the weather forecast can lead to discomfort if you’re unprepared for rain or sudden temperature changes.
  • Dressing Inappropriately: Wearing the wrong clothes for the weather can make your day less enjoyable.

Tip: Check the weather forecast before your visit and dress in layers to adjust to changing temperatures. Bring a light jacket or rain gear if needed.


Easter at Tokyo Disneyland is a magical experience filled with festive activities and decorations. By avoiding these common pitfalls—visiting during peak days, missing entertainment schedules, overlooking decorations, skipping the Easter Egg Hunt, ignoring seasonal treats, facing long shopping lines, and neglecting the weather—you can ensure a more enjoyable and memorable visit. Take your time to explore, participate in special events, and savor the unique offerings to make the most of your Easter celebration at Tokyo Disneyland.

Author: Hienadz Vardanyan

P. Sze My name is Hienadz Vardanyan, and when I first started Mad About Japan, I was just like you - marveling at the country from a great distance. Now that I have been lucky enough to visit Japan, I want to continue exciting people and encouraging them to get over there. Our main aim is to teach and inform people about all aspects of Japan - not just the technology and cherry blossoms. Japan has a uniqueness like no other, and it’s important that we cherish this and respect it when we visit.

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