What Not to Do When Experiencing the “Dreaming Up!” Parade at Tokyo Disneyland

The “Dreaming Up!” parade at Tokyo Disneyland is a spectacular daytime parade that brings beloved Disney characters and stories to life with vibrant floats, stunning costumes, and catchy music. To ensure you have the best experience, it’s important to avoid common mistakes. Here’s what not to do when experiencing the “Dreaming Up!” parade at Tokyo Disneyland.

Don’t Arrive Late

Arriving late can significantly impact your parade experience:

  • Poor Viewing Spots: If you arrive late, you might end up with a less desirable viewing spot, making it difficult to see the parade clearly.
  • Crowded Areas: Late arrivals often mean standing in crowded areas where it’s harder to enjoy the parade comfortably.

Tip: Arrive at least an hour before the parade starts to secure a good spot. Prime locations include areas along the parade route in World Bazaar, Fantasyland, and near the Cinderella Castle hub.

Don’t Ignore the Weather

Ignoring the weather can make your parade experience uncomfortable:

  • Unprepared for Rain: Tokyo’s weather can be unpredictable. Without proper rain gear, you might end up soaked and uncomfortable.
  • No Sun Protection: On sunny days, standing in the sun without protection can lead to sunburn or heat exhaustion.

Tip: Check the weather forecast and bring appropriate gear, such as umbrellas, ponchos, sunscreen, and hats. Also, consider wearing layers to adjust to changing temperatures.

Don’t Forget Snacks and Drinks

Watching the parade can take a while, especially if you arrive early to secure a good spot:

  • Getting Hungry or Thirsty: Standing in one spot for a long time can make you hungry or thirsty, detracting from your enjoyment.
  • Leaving Your Spot: If you leave your spot to get food or drinks, you might not be able to return to the same location.

Tip: Bring snacks and drinks with you so you can stay refreshed without losing your spot.

Don’t Block Others’ Views

Being considerate of other guests is crucial for everyone’s enjoyment:

  • Using Large Items: Holding up large items like umbrellas, signs, or balloons can block the view of those behind you.
  • Standing in Front of Sitting Guests: If people behind you are sitting, remain seated or crouched to avoid obstructing their view.

Tip: Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid using large items that can block others’ views. Encourage children to sit on shoulders only if it doesn’t obstruct the view of guests behind you.

Don’t Forget Your Camera or Phone

Capturing the magic of the parade is a great way to preserve memories, but not being prepared can lead to missed moments:

  • Low Battery: Running out of battery during the parade can be frustrating.
  • Poor Lighting Settings: Not adjusting your camera settings for the bright outdoor conditions can result in poor-quality photos or videos.

Tip: Ensure your camera or phone is fully charged before the parade starts. Adjust your camera settings for the best outdoor shots, and consider using burst mode to capture action shots.

Don’t Ignore the Parade Route

Knowing the parade route can help you choose the best viewing spot:

  • Wrong Spot: Picking a spot far from the parade’s starting point can mean a longer wait before you see the parade.
  • Confusing Routes: Not knowing the route can lead to confusion about where to stand.

Tip: Study the parade route map beforehand and choose a spot near the start of the route for quicker viewing. The parade typically starts near Toontown and travels through Fantasyland, Westernland, and finally ends near Adventureland.

Don’t Leave Early

Leaving before the parade ends means missing out on the full experience:

  • Missing Characters: The end of the parade often features beloved characters and impressive floats you won’t want to miss.
  • Premature Departure: Leaving early can disrupt the enjoyment of those around you.

Tip: Stay until the very end of the parade to fully enjoy the spectacle and ensure you don’t miss any part of the magic.


The “Dreaming Up!” parade at Tokyo Disneyland is a magical experience that can be made even better by avoiding these common mistakes. Arrive early, prepare for the weather, bring snacks and drinks, be considerate of others, and ensure your camera is ready. By planning ahead and being mindful, you’ll have a fantastic time watching the parade and creating lasting memories.

Author: Hienadz Vardanyan

P. Sze My name is Hienadz Vardanyan, and when I first started Mad About Japan, I was just like you - marveling at the country from a great distance. Now that I have been lucky enough to visit Japan, I want to continue exciting people and encouraging them to get over there. Our main aim is to teach and inform people about all aspects of Japan - not just the technology and cherry blossoms. Japan has a uniqueness like no other, and it’s important that we cherish this and respect it when we visit.

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