What Not to Do When Visiting World Bazaar at Tokyo Disneyland

World Bazaar at Tokyo Disneyland is the park’s charming entrance area, reminiscent of Main Street, U.S.A. in other Disney parks. It’s filled with shops, restaurants, and attractions that set the tone for your magical day. To make the most of your visit, it’s important to avoid common mistakes. Here’s what not to do when visiting World Bazaar at Tokyo Disneyland.

Don’t Rush Through World Bazaar

Many visitors hurry through World Bazaar to get to the main attractions, but this area deserves your attention:

  • Missing Details: Take time to appreciate the architectural details and unique theming. The covered arcade is designed to protect visitors from the weather while offering a nostalgic ambiance.
  • Skipping Shops: Explore the various shops for unique souvenirs and exclusive merchandise. Shops like the Grand Emporium offer a wide range of Disney goods that you might not find elsewhere in the park.

Avoid Ignoring Dining Options

World Bazaar has some great dining options that shouldn’t be overlooked:

  • Skipping Breakfast: Start your day with a delicious breakfast at the Sweetheart Café or the Great American Waffle Company. Fueling up early can help you avoid long lines at other dining spots later.
  • No Reservations: For table-service meals, make reservations in advance to avoid long waits. The Eastside Café offers a charming dining experience with a variety of Italian dishes.

Don’t Miss the Unique Experiences

World Bazaar offers more than just shops and restaurants:

  • Disney Gallery: Don’t skip the Disney Gallery, which features fascinating exhibits about Disney history and park development.
  • Penny Arcade: The Penny Arcade offers vintage arcade games that are fun for all ages. It’s a great place to take a break and enjoy some nostalgic entertainment.

Don’t Overlook Nighttime Magic

World Bazaar transforms at night with enchanting lights and a unique atmosphere:

  • Leaving Early: Don’t leave the park early and miss the magical nighttime ambiance. The lighting and decorations make World Bazaar a beautiful spot for evening strolls and photos.
  • Missing the Parades: Some parades and nighttime shows can be viewed from World Bazaar, offering a less crowded alternative to Main Street in other parks.

Avoid Shopping at Peak Times

Shopping can be a highlight, but peak times can lead to frustration:

  • Shopping Midday: Avoid shopping during the middle of the day when stores are most crowded. Instead, shop early in the morning or later in the evening for a more relaxed experience.
  • Carrying Bags: Take advantage of the park’s package delivery service to have your purchases sent to the front of the park for pickup later, allowing you to enjoy the attractions without carrying heavy bags.

Don’t Forget the Weather

The covered arcade in World Bazaar offers protection, but you still need to be prepared:

  • Ignoring the Weather: Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Even though the arcade is covered, you’ll need proper attire for the rest of the park.
  • Skipping Sun Protection: On sunny days, use sun protection like hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen, especially when you leave the covered areas.

Avoid Missing Photo Opportunities

World Bazaar offers some great photo spots that are easy to overlook:

  • No Photos: Capture the charm of World Bazaar with photos of its beautiful architecture and vintage-style shops.
  • Character Meet-and-Greets: Check the schedule for character meet-and-greets in World Bazaar. Meeting characters in this picturesque setting can create memorable photo opportunities.


World Bazaar at Tokyo Disneyland is a wonderful place to start and end your day at the park. By avoiding these common mistakes—rushing through, ignoring dining options, missing unique experiences, overlooking nighttime magic, shopping at peak times, neglecting the weather, and missing photo opportunities—you can fully enjoy the charm and magic of this delightful area. Take your time to explore, dine, shop, and soak in the enchanting atmosphere for a truly magical visit.

Author: Hienadz Vardanyan

P. Sze My name is Hienadz Vardanyan, and when I first started Mad About Japan, I was just like you - marveling at the country from a great distance. Now that I have been lucky enough to visit Japan, I want to continue exciting people and encouraging them to get over there. Our main aim is to teach and inform people about all aspects of Japan - not just the technology and cherry blossoms. Japan has a uniqueness like no other, and it’s important that we cherish this and respect it when we visit.

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